Hello, everyone!
We enjoyed a visit from Dr. David Jefferson, DVM this week! He told us about being a horse vet and read a funny story called Bark, George!
We learned more about chemical and physical changes this week, and did a sorting activity to go along with that learning. We also continued our addition/subtraction word problem work, started writing How-To books, and made some text-to-text connections! Next week we're looking forward to learning more about Pilgrims and Native Americans.
Thank you to everyone who signed up for conferences!
The iReady assessment data is in your child's Eagle News today. We took the assessment quite some time ago, at the beginning of the year. It is measured against an end-of-year expectation, so it's fine if kids aren't "there" yet :) .
Have a wonderful weekend! I'm headed for Washington, DC tonight with my twin daughters. We're taking Kola with us-we'll be sure to send you some pictures and updates!