Thursday, June 11, 2020

Happy Thursday, all!

Today's Featured Friends are: Brinley, Norah, and Etta!

Today is June 11, 2020.  It is the last day of first grade. :(

Do you remember when Mrs. Frost-Bertinet, the Assistant Superintendent, shared The Dot with us?

I hope you have an amazing summer vacation!  I have loved being your first grade teacher.  I know you will do amazing things in second grade!
Mrs. Cole

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Today's Featured Friends are...Lucien, Libby, and Narjis!

Today is June 10, 2020.

AJ Dukette (radio deejay) and Kathleen Jordan from WMTW shared Bartholomew and the Oobleck with us!  We loved talking with them about their jobs!

Are you having a wonderful Wednesday?  I hope so!  
Did you all get your packages from me this week?
One more day of first grade tomorrow!  See you on the class Zoom at 10:30 on Thursday!!
Mrs. Cole

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Happy Tuesday, all!

Today's Featured Friends are...Mia, David, and Kainen!

Today is June 9, 2020.

Do you remember when Mr. Berner read The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish? That was such a crazy book!

Have a terrific Tuesday!
Mrs. Cole

Monday, June 8, 2020

Happy Monday, friends!

Today's Featured Friends are...Miyah, Demin-Nat, and Aubrey!

Today is June 8, 2020.

School Board chair and former RSU14 first grade teacher, Janis Cummings, loved reading the book One with us!

Have a wonderful week, friends!
Mrs. Cole

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Happy Sunday, friends!

Today's Featured Friends are...Shealand, Lucas, and Dominic!

Today is June 7, 2020.

Do you remember when Dr. Dave Jefferson, DVM, came to be our Mystery Reader?

Have a super Sunday!
Mrs. Cole

Friday, June 5, 2020

Happy Saturday, friends!

Today’s Featured Friends are...Aurora, Elena, and Charlie!
Today is June 6, 2020.

Here are our Featured Friends last year on Meet Your Teacher Day!

And, here's our first Mystery Reader from this year...Superintendent Howell!

I hope you're having an awesome weekend!!
Love, Mrs. Cole

Happy Friday, everyone!

Today's Leader is...Mel the Meerkat!  Mel hopes you enjoy this story: Meerkat Mail

Today is June 5, 2020.

Mel and Darla have been learning some new words in French:

meerkat: meerkat (MEER-kat)
summer: Été (AY-tay)

Try this!

the meerkat dug a burrow I am so tired said the meerkat he rested for a while what shall I do next he wondered

Today's Math Challenge!

There were 6 meerkats in the burrow.  3 meerkats left.  2 more came back. How many meerkats are there now?

Today's Special is...Library!  Check out the Library Resources page!

Virtual Field Trip: Meerkat Cam: CotswoldsMeerkat Cam, Miami

And, some meerkat facts: All About Animals: Meerkats

Here's a meerkat I saw a the Houston Zoo:

I hope you have an awesome weekend!  Try to check out the blog each day for a minute to see some special pictures and memories <3
Mrs. Cole

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Happy Thursday, friends!

Today's Leader is...Lennie the Lion!  Lennie loves this story about a lion-do you remember it? Library Lion

Today is June 4, 2020.

Lennie and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:

lion: león (lay-ON)
cat: gato (GAH-toe)

Try this!

the lion woke up she was hungry I want some lunch she said suddenly she saw a cheeseburger in front of her hooray she yelled

Today's Math Challenge! 🦁

There were 5 lions on the savannah.  Two more lions came.  Then four more lions came.  How many lions were on the savannah?

Today's special is...P.E.!  Pretend you are a lion!  Try running, pouncing, and resting like a lion!

Virtual Field TripSmithsonian National ZooReid Park ZooNational Geographic Kids: Lion

I think I shared these lion photos with you in November-taken at the National Zoo:

Have you been having a great week?  We have one more animal Leader tomorrow...I wonder what it will be?
Mrs. Cole

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Today's Leader is...Azul the Blue Morpho Butterfly!

Today is June 3, 2020.

Here's a fact page and craft you can do to learn more about blue morphos: Blue Morphos

Are you having a good week so far? I hope so! It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow and Friday.  What summery fun things will you do?

Mrs. Cole

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Happy Tuesday, all!

Today’s Leader is...Armando the Anteater!  Do you remember "Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile"? This is a book by the same author/illustrator: An Anteater Named Arthur

Today is June 2, 2020.

Armando and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:

anteater: oso hormiguero ( OH-so or-me-GARE-oh)
breakfast: desayuno (DESS-aye-OO-noe)

Try this: Can you fix these sentences with upper/lower case and correct punctuation?

the anteater walked through the forest he was looking for some ants he found a big anthill hooray he said

Today's Math Challenge!

Check out today's math problems from the suggested schedule. Do you notice a pattern in the answers?

Today's special is...Art!  Here's Mrs. V's Art Link for this week!

Virtual Field TripsNational Zoo: Anteaters and San Diego Zoo: Anteaters

How is your week going? Thank you to everyone who has been reading to me this week! <3
Mrs. Cole

Monday, June 1, 2020

Happy Monday, families!

Today's Leader is...Rusty the Red Panda!  Red pandas are amazing animals!  Here's a story about a red panda who wants to write a story: Amy the Red Panda is Writing the Best Story in the World
Today is June 1, 2020.

Rusty and Darla are learning some new words in Spanish:

red panda: panda rojo (PAHN-da RO-ho)
June: Junio (HOO-nee-oh)

Try these!  This week, we will review all the things we have been practicing this year with sentences, upper/lower case, and punctuation.  How would you fix and write these sentences?

1. red pandas live in trees they are endangered animals

2. whistles  baby   The   mom.   its   to

3. Red pandas     climbs       climb      very well.

4. Red pandas live in Nepal China and Myanmar.

5. did you see the red panda he asked

Today's Math Challenge!  This week, we'll review some of the math learning we've done this year!

There were 5 red pandas in the tree.  6 more red pandas joined them.  Then 2 red pandas went away.  How many red pandas were left in the tree?

STEM Connection!  Print or Color Online Red Panda and a Nat Geo video: Red Panda facts

I love, love, love red pandas!  Here's one I saw at the Virginia Zoo:

This is our last full week of first grade!  We will be reviewing lots of the things we have learned this year.  I hope you like the animals we'll be discovering on the blog, too!  Starting on June 6, the blog will feature some special guest stars each day...stay tuned!
Mrs. Cole