Today's Leader is...Mel the Meerkat! Mel hopes you enjoy this story: Meerkat Mail
Today is June 5, 2020.
Mel and Darla have been learning some new words in French:
meerkat: meerkat (MEER-kat)
summer: Été (AY-tay)
Try this!
the meerkat dug a burrow I am so tired said the meerkat he rested for a while what shall I do next he wondered
Today's Math Challenge!
There were 6 meerkats in the burrow. 3 meerkats left. 2 more came back. How many meerkats are there now?
Today's Special is...Library! Check out the Library Resources page!
Virtual Field Trip: Meerkat Cam: Cotswolds; Meerkat Cam, Miami
And, some meerkat facts: All About Animals: Meerkats
Here's a meerkat I saw a the Houston Zoo:
I hope you have an awesome weekend! Try to check out the blog each day for a minute to see some special pictures and memories <3
Mrs. Cole