Saturday, March 28, 2020

Happy Saturday, friends!

Today's Leader is...Lucinda! Lucinda is another friend of Darla and Kola!

Today is March 28, 2020.

I thought it would be fun to do another craft with you today!  Here are the directions:

You'll need...

1 old t-shirt-adult size works best
A grownup to help you

I can't wait to see your finished tote bags!

One of my other cats, Azhi, and my daughter Emma, who teaches Biology, have a question for you:

You say Azhi’s name like this: Ah-jee (the /j/ sounds like the second g in “garage”)

Here is a cool video of bears feasting on salmon!

What are you going to do today? I have a meeting all day with some other teachers from around the state.  I'm hoping we are done in time for me to go for a walk with Mr. Cole.  Have a great day with your family!
Mrs. Cole