Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hello, everybody!

Happy First Day of Spring!  Check out our special Leader today!

Today is March 19, 2020.

Here's a little message I made for you earlier...with Enki's help!

Darla and the Very Hungry Caterpillar learned the Spanish names of some of the foods in the Caterpillar's book:

apple = manzana (man-ZAH-na)
pear = pera (PAIR-ah)
strawberry = fresa (FRAY-sa)
cupcake = pastelito (pah-stay-LEE-toe)

Here's the book!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We'll have another special Leader tomorrow!  Here's a hint: he has long ears and a silent K at the beginning of his name...

Fix Mrs. Cole's Sentences:

Try fixing up these sentences!  Each set of words can be divided into 2 complete sentences.  Remember to start each sentence with an upper case letter and put the right punctuation at the end.  Names should have an upper case at the beginning, too!  If you write these sentences, be sure to take a photo and email it to me!

1. mrs cole has an orange cat his name is enki

2. today is the first day of spring when will my flowers start to grow

Iditarod update:

About half of the mushers have completed the race.  Several more mushers scratched on their way to the finish line. It looks like 18 mushers have had to scratch.  It is a really difficult race!  You can see in the standings that several of the mushers are ending the race with fewer dogs on their teams than when they started.  When a musher has to drop a dog during the race, it is sent on a plane back to Anchorage.  When the rest of the team has finished the race, the musher can go pick up their dropped dogs.  There is a special place in Anchorage where all the dropped dogs are cared for while they wait.

Today's Math Challenges!

Last week, we learned how to add two numbers in our heads more quickly by making a ten and then adding on the rest.  Draw two ten frames on a piece of paper, then use beans, buttons, coins, etc. to practice adding by making a ten.

For example...

7 + 8

Draw your two ten frames.
Put 7 in one ten frame and 8 in the other.

You would take 3 from the frame with 8 and fill the first frame to make the 7 into 10.  This changes the problem to 10 + 5.

10 + 5 = 15, so 7 + 8 = 15.

Try these:    9 + 4     6 + 9    8 + 5    8 + 9

Super job!

Today's virtual field trip:  Chillin' with Polar Bears!

We learned about some polar animals during our Polar Regions unit.  Before we switch gears to spring, let's have one last snowy adventure watching a polar bear migration out on the tundra!  You can watch the whole thing, or ask a grownup to help you start the video at about 14:00.

Here's a shorter polar bear video from National Geographic Kids:

I hope you are all doing great work while you're home!  Some of you have emailed pictures, messages, and work to me-thank you!  I love seeing all the learning you're doing!  Be sure to keep practicing all of the things we have learned in first grade.  I'm trying to make the blog better and better each day, so keep checking it and sharing it with your family!  I will update it over the weekend, too.

<3 Mrs. Cole