Look who got to be the Leader today-Mason the Fox! :D He and Darla did a great job skip-counting by 2s alllll the way to 120-can you do that, too? I think I told you why Mason is special to me-it's because my dad made him! <3 He also made the quilted teddy bears in the picture of Darla and my cat below, and he built our classroom mailboxes a loooooong time ago, when I was a new teacher. What clever things can your family do?
Darla and Mason practiced their languages today too! This time, it was French. The French word for "fox" is "renard", with a short /e/ sound. The French word for "bear" is "ours". It sounds almost like "horse" without the /h/ sound. Darla is a girl bear, so she is an "ourse".
Darla has been busy making new friends here at my house! Today she met Enki the Orange Cat! He is 2 years old and has 25 toes! That's 3 toes away from the world record! They had fun helping my daughter, Emma, with a T-rex skull model she's been working on for her biology classroom. It is made of strips of cardboard covered in plaster. She studied skulls at the Smithsonian and at the Museum of Natural History in New York City to see exactly what it should look like. You can go on a virtual tour of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History here: https://naturalhistory2.si.edu/vt3/NMNH/ Check it out!
Iditarod update: The race leader is at White Mountain, which is really close to Nome! I can't wait to see who reaches the finish line first! It looks like a few more mushers have had to scratch. I am sad that they had to drop out, but I'm glad they are taking care of their dogs. See if you can catch the finish at www.iditarod.com !

Today's math challenge:
Enki has 8 toes on one front paw and 7 toes on the other front paw. How many front toes does he have?
Ok, that was tooooo easy! So...
Extra challenge: If Enki has 25 toes altogether, and both back paws have the same number of toes, how many toes does he have on each back paw? Hint: Read the beginning of the blog again!
I've been busy today, finding some interesting things to share with you while we're all at home. I know how much you all love Elephant and Piggie, so I hope you get to check out this awesome video by Mo Willems-he's going to post one every day! *Notice that he puts the date on his work, too!! :D
Just click on...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmzjCPQv3y8 I know you're going to love it! You're all such awesome artists!!!
What have you all been doing today? I did some cleaning, helped Mr. Cole set up an office to work in here at home, and talked with some other teachers about how we can help our students while our school is closed. I also talked with my friends who live in Spain-they are also at home and we shared some ideas about how to stay healthy and keep learning while we are waiting for school to start again. I miss you all! Stay tuned for some more ideas and videos! I'll send another blog update tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole