Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hello, everyone!

The Leader today is...Jeremy Fisher!  He is a character created by the British author Beatrix Potter.  You can listen to his story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDa8H1vPXqg

Another character from her books will be the leader tomorrow...can you guess which one?

Today is March 24, 2020.

Darla and Jeremy Fisher learned some new words in Spanish: 🐸🐟🌸

frog: rana (RAH-na)
fish: pescado (pes-KAH-doe)
flowers: flores (FLOR-ays)

Try these:

Fix Mrs. Cole's Sentences:  🐈

1. enki likes to play with string do you have a cat

2. we love to watch the birds they like our bird feeder a lot

Scrambled Sentences:

1. favorite my is London city.

2. games Which you like do play? to

Today's Math Challenge! ☕

Mrs. Cole's coffee pot makes 12 cups of coffee.  Mrs. Cole drank 4 cups of coffee.  How many cups were left in the pot?

Extra challenge!  The pot had 12 cups of coffee in it. Mrs. Cole drank 4 cups. Mr. Cole drank 3 cups. How many cups of coffee were left?

Virtual Field Trip: Buckingham Palace, London


Watching the Jeremy Fisher video reminded me of this beautiful place. Mr. Cole and I visited the palace a couple of years ago.  We weren't allowed to take pictures inside, but you can see some of the rooms on this virtual tour.  We did take pictures outside:


Have a great day!  What are you going to do?  I'm going to have a meeting with Mrs. Bernier and Mrs. Stover on the computer.  I am also going to do some chores around my house and shovel the driveway.  I'll see you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole 😎