Hello! Happy Thursday!
Today's Leader is....Finn the Orca! I know that some of you already know a lot about orcas! Here's a great book about them: A Tale of Wild Orcas
Today is April 30, 2020.
Finn and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:
orca: orca (OR-cah)
teeth: dientes (DEE-EN-tays)
Try these!
1. orcas are black and white they live in the sea
2. live many Orcas in world. of parts the
3. Two orcas swam by biy our boat.
Today's Math Challenge!
There are 3 orcas in the bay.
Orca A is 20 feet long.
Orca B is 6 feet shorter than Orca A.
Orca C is 9 feet longer than Orca B.
How long are Orca B and Orca C? You can use addition and subtraction, draw a picture, or use a yardstick or number line. Which strategy works best for you?
Today's special is P.E.! What are some of your favorite things to do outside? Try making an obstacle course or a challenge course (do six jumping jacks, hop on one foot 10 times, run around your house twice, etc.), or try the activities on the suggested schedule. Or, just have some fun outdoors!
Today's Virtual Field Trip: OrcaLab, Hanson Island, British Columbia Nat. Geo. Kids: Orca
Orcas are amazing animals! I have never seen one-have you?
Have an awesome day!
Mrs. Cole
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Hi! Happy Wednesday!
Today's Leader is...Bubbles the Dolphin! Bubbles is a bottlenose dolphin. What do you know about dolphins already? Here is a fiction story about a dolphin: Timmy the Timid Dolphin .
Today is April 29, 2020.
Bubbles and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:
dolphin: delfin (del-FEEN)
swim: nadar (NAH-dar)
sea: mar (mar)
Try these!
1. sea favorite Dolphins my animal. are
2. have you ever seen a dolphin they are so cute and smart
3. The dolphin swimmed swam next to our boat.
Today's Math Challenge!
We went on a boat 5 days in a row. The chart shows how many dolphins we saw each day.
We saw the MOST dolphins on Day ______.
We saw the FEWEST dolphins on Day _____.
How many dolphins did we see in all? _____
There were ______ MORE dolphins on Day 4 than on Day 2.
There were ______ FEWER dolphins on Day 1 than on Day 3.
Today's special is...Music! Try the challenge on the suggested schedule, or try one of these: practice your concert songs, make an instrument from items around your house, or make up new words to one of your favorite songs!
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Dolphins Plus, Key Largo, FL and the Nat. Geo Kids site: Nat Geo Kids: Bottlenose Dolphins
I got to see some dolphins at SeaWorld this winter, and some wild ones in Galveston, TX last summer:
Today's Leader is...Bubbles the Dolphin! Bubbles is a bottlenose dolphin. What do you know about dolphins already? Here is a fiction story about a dolphin: Timmy the Timid Dolphin .
Today is April 29, 2020.
Bubbles and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:
dolphin: delfin (del-FEEN)
swim: nadar (NAH-dar)
sea: mar (mar)
Try these!
1. sea favorite Dolphins my animal. are
2. have you ever seen a dolphin they are so cute and smart
3. The dolphin swimmed swam next to our boat.
Today's Math Challenge!
We went on a boat 5 days in a row. The chart shows how many dolphins we saw each day.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
We saw the MOST dolphins on Day ______.
We saw the FEWEST dolphins on Day _____.
How many dolphins did we see in all? _____
There were ______ MORE dolphins on Day 4 than on Day 2.
There were ______ FEWER dolphins on Day 1 than on Day 3.
Today's special is...Music! Try the challenge on the suggested schedule, or try one of these: practice your concert songs, make an instrument from items around your house, or make up new words to one of your favorite songs!
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Dolphins Plus, Key Largo, FL and the Nat. Geo Kids site: Nat Geo Kids: Bottlenose Dolphins
I got to see some dolphins at SeaWorld this winter, and some wild ones in Galveston, TX last summer:
How is your week going? I love seeing such creative ideas! You are amazing!
Have a great Wednesday!
Mrs. Cole
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Happy Tuesday, all!
Today's Leader is...Oscar the Otter! Oscar is very happy to meet you! Here's a really fun book about baby sea otters! Sea Otter Pups
Today is April 28, 2020.
Oscar and Darla have been learning some words in French:
otter: otter (AW-ter)
swim: nager (NAH-jay)
sea: mer (mare)
Try These! Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
1. Them Those otters is are very cute.
2. Did you see the babys babies ?
3. The mother breaks the clams clamz open on a rock.
Today's Math Challenge!
There were otters in four coves. The chart shows how many otters were in each cove.
Which cove had the MOST otters?
Which cove had the FEWEST otters?
Which coves had the SAME number of otters?
There were _________ more otters in Cove 2 than in Cove 3.
There were _________ fewer otters in Cove 1 than in Cove 2.
Today's special is Art! Here is the Art link from Mrs. V! You can also check the weekly schedule for other ideas! Mrs. V's Art Link
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Monterey Bay Aquarium Vancouver Aquarium Sea Otter Pup
I hope you liked learning about otters! They are one of my favorite animals. What are you doing today? I have a couple of meetings and phone calls to make. I can't wait til it is warmer outside! Enki has been watching all the birds at the feeder. Do you have a bird feeder at your house?
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leader is...Oscar the Otter! Oscar is very happy to meet you! Here's a really fun book about baby sea otters! Sea Otter Pups
Today is April 28, 2020.
Oscar and Darla have been learning some words in French:
otter: otter (AW-ter)
swim: nager (NAH-jay)
sea: mer (mare)
Try These! Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
1. Them Those otters is are very cute.
2. Did you see the babys babies ?
3. The mother breaks the clams clamz open on a rock.
Today's Math Challenge!
There were otters in four coves. The chart shows how many otters were in each cove.
Cove 1
Cove 2
Cove 3
Cove 4
Which cove had the MOST otters?
Which cove had the FEWEST otters?
Which coves had the SAME number of otters?
There were _________ more otters in Cove 2 than in Cove 3.
There were _________ fewer otters in Cove 1 than in Cove 2.
Today's special is Art! Here is the Art link from Mrs. V! You can also check the weekly schedule for other ideas! Mrs. V's Art Link
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Monterey Bay Aquarium Vancouver Aquarium Sea Otter Pup
I hope you liked learning about otters! They are one of my favorite animals. What are you doing today? I have a couple of meetings and phone calls to make. I can't wait til it is warmer outside! Enki has been watching all the birds at the feeder. Do you have a bird feeder at your house?
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Monday, April 27, 2020
Happy Monday, everyone! Welcome back!
Today's Leader is.... Shelly the Turtle! Shelly hopes that you had a great vacation! Here's one of my favorite books about a tortoise: The Foolish Tortoise Do you know the difference between turtles and tortoises?
Today is April 27, 2020.
Shelly and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:
turtle: tortuga (tor-TOO-gah)
reptile: reptil (REP-teel)
Try these! Remember that a noun is a person, place, or thing. π’
Tell the nouns in each sentence. There might be more than one!
1. The turtle has a beautiful green shell.
2. Have you ever seen a painted turtle?
3. How are turtles and tortoises different?
STEM connection! Do you remember making our turtle rattles back in November? We had to make sure the design on the turtle shell was symmetrical. Find some other things in nature that are symmetrical. Make a list of them or draw them. :)
Today's Math Challenge!
How many steps does it take you to get around your house? Try this just walking normally and again while you are running!
Extra challenge! Ask someone older or younger than you to do the same challenge! What is the difference between your answers and theirs?
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Florida ; Virginia Zoo Aldabra Tortoises
Thanks for checking the blog! What did you do over vacation? I raked my whole yard and did some indoor projects too. I also worked on some learning activities for you! I hope you had a great week!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leader is.... Shelly the Turtle! Shelly hopes that you had a great vacation! Here's one of my favorite books about a tortoise: The Foolish Tortoise Do you know the difference between turtles and tortoises?
Today is April 27, 2020.
Shelly and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:
turtle: tortuga (tor-TOO-gah)
reptile: reptil (REP-teel)
Try these! Remember that a noun is a person, place, or thing. π’
Tell the nouns in each sentence. There might be more than one!
1. The turtle has a beautiful green shell.
2. Have you ever seen a painted turtle?
3. How are turtles and tortoises different?
STEM connection! Do you remember making our turtle rattles back in November? We had to make sure the design on the turtle shell was symmetrical. Find some other things in nature that are symmetrical. Make a list of them or draw them. :)
Today's Math Challenge!
How many steps does it take you to get around your house? Try this just walking normally and again while you are running!
Extra challenge! Ask someone older or younger than you to do the same challenge! What is the difference between your answers and theirs?
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Florida ; Virginia Zoo Aldabra Tortoises
Thanks for checking the blog! What did you do over vacation? I raked my whole yard and did some indoor projects too. I also worked on some learning activities for you! I hope you had a great week!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Happy Thursday, all!
Today's Leader is...Rosie the Skunk! Rosie is a good friend of Darla's. Here's a fun story about skunks-it's illustrated by Lynn Munsinger! Skunks!
Today is April 16, 2020.
Rosie and Darla have learned some new words in French:
skunk: mouffette (MOO-fett)
stripes: rayures (RAY-yer -you don't say the /s/)
smell: odeur (OH-dure)
Try these!
1. the skunk is black and white she has stripes on her back
2. Skunks are very vary clean animals.
3. my porch! skunk was There a under
Today's Math Challenge! π¦¨π¦¨
Rosie's body is 15 inches long. Her tail is 12 inches long. How long is Rosie from her nose to the end of her tail?
Extra challenge! If Rosie's body grows 2 more inches and her tail grows 1 more inch, how long will she be from her nose to the end of her tail?
Today's Special: P.E.! You can try the suggested menu idea, or try doing some push-ups, race a family member across the yard, see how long you can stand on one foot, or do GoNoodle!
Virtual Field Trip: Wild Explorers Skunk Facts and NatGeo Kids Skunk Page
Skunks are soooo interesting! I hope you have enjoyed learning about them today!
Do you have lots of plans for vacation? I am going to build a fire pit in the yard. I also have to put new tile in my bathroom and put up some bat houses. I hope you have a great break, and I'll see you back here on April 27! I have some fun animals waiting to be the Leader...
I will be checking email over vacation, so you can write to me if you want. I'd love to hear from you!
Mrs. Cole :)
Today's Leader is...Rosie the Skunk! Rosie is a good friend of Darla's. Here's a fun story about skunks-it's illustrated by Lynn Munsinger! Skunks!
Today is April 16, 2020.
Rosie and Darla have learned some new words in French:
skunk: mouffette (MOO-fett)
stripes: rayures (RAY-yer -you don't say the /s/)
smell: odeur (OH-dure)
Try these!
1. the skunk is black and white she has stripes on her back
2. Skunks are very vary clean animals.
3. my porch! skunk was There a under
Today's Math Challenge! π¦¨π¦¨
Rosie's body is 15 inches long. Her tail is 12 inches long. How long is Rosie from her nose to the end of her tail?
Extra challenge! If Rosie's body grows 2 more inches and her tail grows 1 more inch, how long will she be from her nose to the end of her tail?
Today's Special: P.E.! You can try the suggested menu idea, or try doing some push-ups, race a family member across the yard, see how long you can stand on one foot, or do GoNoodle!
Virtual Field Trip: Wild Explorers Skunk Facts and NatGeo Kids Skunk Page
Skunks are soooo interesting! I hope you have enjoyed learning about them today!
Do you have lots of plans for vacation? I am going to build a fire pit in the yard. I also have to put new tile in my bathroom and put up some bat houses. I hope you have a great break, and I'll see you back here on April 27! I have some fun animals waiting to be the Leader...
I will be checking email over vacation, so you can write to me if you want. I'd love to hear from you!
Mrs. Cole :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Today's Leader is... Amy the Armadillo! Armadillos are soooo cool! Do you remember reading this story? Armadillo Tattletale There's another fun armadillo story by Jan Brett: Armadillo Rodeo
Today is April 15, 2020.
Amy and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:
armadillo: armadillo (AR-mah-DEE-oh)
ants: hormigas (or-MEE-gahs)
today: hoy (oy)
Try these!
1. armadillos are interesting do you know what they eat
2. That armadillo do does curl into a ball.
3. eat Armadillos like insects. to
Today's Math Challenge!
Amy the Armadillo ate 32 ants. Then she ate 17 beetles. How many insects did she eat in all?
Extra challenge: How many more ants did she eat than beetles?
Today's Special: Music! Check the suggested menu for this week. You can also learn a new song, sing our concert songs, or count how many instruments you have in your house!
Virtual Field Trip: San Diego Zoo Armadillos
Here's some more cool armadillo facts: About Armadillos-NatGeo Kids
My daughter, Emma, and I got to meet Digger the Armadillo at the Virginia Zoo:
Today's Leader is... Amy the Armadillo! Armadillos are soooo cool! Do you remember reading this story? Armadillo Tattletale There's another fun armadillo story by Jan Brett: Armadillo Rodeo
Today is April 15, 2020.
Amy and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:
armadillo: armadillo (AR-mah-DEE-oh)
ants: hormigas (or-MEE-gahs)
today: hoy (oy)
Try these!
1. armadillos are interesting do you know what they eat
2. That armadillo do does curl into a ball.
3. eat Armadillos like insects. to
Today's Math Challenge!
Amy the Armadillo ate 32 ants. Then she ate 17 beetles. How many insects did she eat in all?
Extra challenge: How many more ants did she eat than beetles?
Today's Special: Music! Check the suggested menu for this week. You can also learn a new song, sing our concert songs, or count how many instruments you have in your house!
Virtual Field Trip: San Diego Zoo Armadillos
Here's some more cool armadillo facts: About Armadillos-NatGeo Kids
My daughter, Emma, and I got to meet Digger the Armadillo at the Virginia Zoo:
How is your Wednesday going so far? We made cupcakes for my son's birthday. We are probably going to order dinner from a restaurant. Which restaurant is your favorite?
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Happy Tuesday, friends!
Today's Leader is...Gina the Giraffe! Gina is a reticulated giraffe. Giraffes are one of my favorite animals! Here is a great fiction story about a giraffe: Giraffes Can't Dance
Today's Leader is...Gina the Giraffe! Gina is a reticulated giraffe. Giraffes are one of my favorite animals! Here is a great fiction story about a giraffe: Giraffes Can't Dance
Today is April 14, 2020.
Gina and Darla have been learning some new words in French:
giraffe: girafe (GEE-raff, with a soft /g/)
tall: grand (grawnd)
neck: cou (koo)
Try these:
1. did you ever feed a giraffe they have very long tongues
2. Those giraffes ate ated a lot of leaves.
3. has neck. a quite That long giraffe
Today's Math Challenge!
Remember how we added two-digit numbers yesterday? Try these! Remember to add the ones first:
32+12 14+11 23+23 18+11
Extra challenge! The giraffe at 25 leaves. Then he ate 24 more. How many leaves did he eat in all?
Today's Special: Art! Check out Mrs. V's link for this week! Art for April 14
Virtual Field Trip: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Giraffe Cam (there are 2; scroll down for the second cam)
I got to feed a giraffe at the Metro Richmond Zoo in Virginia!
How is your week going? I have some meetings this week. My son will have his birthday on Wednesday. How many years from now will YOU turn 21?
Mrs. Cole
Monday, April 13, 2020
Happy Monday, everyone!
Today's Leader is... Bailey the Tiger! He is so happy that you are here! Peter Brown is one of my favorite authors-here is a book he wrote about a tiger: Mr. Tiger Goes Wild
Today is April 13, 2020.
Bailey and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:
tiger: tigre (TEE-gray)
orange: naranja (nah-RAHN-ha)
Try these!
1. the tiger has stripes every tiger's stripes are unique
2. tigers care cubs. for Mother their
3. A tiger's tail can grow to be there three feet long.
Today's Math Challenge: Adding 2-digit numbers! π
There were 11 tigers in the zoo. 12 more tigers were at the sanctuary. How many tigers were there in all?
You can use ten frames or a number line. You can also solve this by adding the ones first, then the tens:
11 11 11
+12 +12 +12
3 23 23 tigers
Extra challenge! Try adding these: 14+12 18+11 21+12
STEM Connection! Read the information and watch the video near the bottom of the page to learn about tigers. Then try the activity below the link. π―
National Geographic Kids: Tigers
Imagine you are an animal rescuer. You have to make a safe place for your rescued tigers. Think about what tigers need. Draw or build a safe place for tigers at your animal sanctuary.
Virtual Field Trip: San Diego Zoo Tiger Cam
My daughters and I saw this tiger at the National Zoo:
I saw this tiger at the Como Zoo in Minneapolis. It was 103 degrees outside, and he was enjoying his pool!
How was your weekend? I read a book and did some projects around my house. I cooked a big dinner for our family, and also got some things ready to share with you! I hope you have a great week!
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leader is... Bailey the Tiger! He is so happy that you are here! Peter Brown is one of my favorite authors-here is a book he wrote about a tiger: Mr. Tiger Goes Wild
Today is April 13, 2020.
Bailey and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:
tiger: tigre (TEE-gray)
orange: naranja (nah-RAHN-ha)
Try these!
1. the tiger has stripes every tiger's stripes are unique
2. tigers care cubs. for Mother their
3. A tiger's tail can grow to be there three feet long.
Today's Math Challenge: Adding 2-digit numbers! π
There were 11 tigers in the zoo. 12 more tigers were at the sanctuary. How many tigers were there in all?
You can use ten frames or a number line. You can also solve this by adding the ones first, then the tens:
11 11 11
+12 +12 +12
3 23 23 tigers
Extra challenge! Try adding these: 14+12 18+11 21+12
STEM Connection! Read the information and watch the video near the bottom of the page to learn about tigers. Then try the activity below the link. π―
National Geographic Kids: Tigers
Imagine you are an animal rescuer. You have to make a safe place for your rescued tigers. Think about what tigers need. Draw or build a safe place for tigers at your animal sanctuary.
Virtual Field Trip: San Diego Zoo Tiger Cam
My daughters and I saw this tiger at the National Zoo:
I saw this tiger at the Como Zoo in Minneapolis. It was 103 degrees outside, and he was enjoying his pool!
How was your weekend? I read a book and did some projects around my house. I cooked a big dinner for our family, and also got some things ready to share with you! I hope you have a great week!
Mrs. Cole
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Happy Sunday!
Today's leader is...Cyril the Lamb! He is happy to see you this morning!
Today is April 12, 2020.
I know you were all enjoying origami with Mrs. V. I found a fun YouTube channel with lots of origami projects. This video shows how to make an origami bunny. I tried it with a bigger sheet of paper because it was easier for me to do the folds.
Origami Bunny
Some of you are celebrating Easter today; here is a Gilbert book about Easter:
Last One In is a Rotten Egg
Here is a story about a lamb, too! The Lamb and the Butterfly
Have an awesome Sunday!
Mrs. Cole
Today's leader is...Cyril the Lamb! He is happy to see you this morning!
Today is April 12, 2020.
I know you were all enjoying origami with Mrs. V. I found a fun YouTube channel with lots of origami projects. This video shows how to make an origami bunny. I tried it with a bigger sheet of paper because it was easier for me to do the folds.
Origami Bunny
Some of you are celebrating Easter today; here is a Gilbert book about Easter:
Last One In is a Rotten Egg
Here is a story about a lamb, too! The Lamb and the Butterfly
Have an awesome Sunday!
Mrs. Cole
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Happy Saturday!
Today's Leader is...Luna the Llama! Llamas are super cool animals. Have you ever seen one before? Check out the links below the craft directions for a read aloud and a video about llamas.
Today is April 11, 2020.
Here's our craft for the day: a washcloth bunny!
5. Fold the pointy ends back toward the folded end.
6. Use your rubber band to make the "head" of the bunny.
7. Perk up the bunny's ears. Now you have a washcloth bunny!
You can make it into a "boo-boo bunny" if you put an ice cube in the bunny's middle when you get a bump or a bruise.
Here is a fun book about llamas: Is Your Mama a Llama?
I also watched this cool video about llamas and the country of Peru, in South America:
Llamas and Peru
Are you having a good weekend so far? Thanks for all of the amazing things you are doing at home!
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leader is...Luna the Llama! Llamas are super cool animals. Have you ever seen one before? Check out the links below the craft directions for a read aloud and a video about llamas.
Today is April 11, 2020.
Here's our craft for the day: a washcloth bunny!
2. Fold one corner over to the opposite corner, making a triangle.
3. Roll the washcloth up, starting with the point and rolling toward the fold.
4. Now, double the roll so that you have both ends together.6. Use your rubber band to make the "head" of the bunny.
7. Perk up the bunny's ears. Now you have a washcloth bunny!
You can make it into a "boo-boo bunny" if you put an ice cube in the bunny's middle when you get a bump or a bruise.
Here is a fun book about llamas: Is Your Mama a Llama?
I also watched this cool video about llamas and the country of Peru, in South America:
Llamas and Peru
Are you having a good weekend so far? Thanks for all of the amazing things you are doing at home!
Mrs. Cole
Friday, April 10, 2020
Happy Friday, all!
Today's Leader is... Hope the Three-Toed Sloth! She is an amazing animal! Do you remember the story about Sparky the Sloth? You can hear it here: Sparky!
Today is April 10, 2020.
Hope and Darla learned some new words in French:
sloth: paresse (PAH-ress)
slowly: lentement (LON-teh-mon)
toes: orteils (OR-tay) (you don't say the last /s/)
Try these!
1. The sloth move moves slowly.
2. Hope the Sloth has haves three toes on each foot.
3. Most sloths live hi high in trees.
4. Have you ever seen saw a sloth?
5. I think sloths are is very interesting animals.
Today's Math Challenge!
There were 3 sloths in a tree. One of them ate 16 leaves. The other two sloths ate 20 leaves together. How many leaves did the 3 sloths eat in all?
Extra challenge! Think about the total you found in the first problem. Now find out if that number can be divided into 3 equal groups. You can draw a picture, use ten frames, or use counters.
Virtual Field Trip: Sloth Zoo Cams! Hattiesburg Zoo Sloths San Diego Zoo Sloths Virginia Zoo Baby Sloth
Did you learn some new facts about sloths? I did! I hope you have a great weekend! Do you have a lot of plans, or are you going to relax?
See you tomorrow! Don't forget-for the Saturday craft, you will need a washcloth and a rubber band.
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leader is... Hope the Three-Toed Sloth! She is an amazing animal! Do you remember the story about Sparky the Sloth? You can hear it here: Sparky!
Today is April 10, 2020.
Hope and Darla learned some new words in French:
sloth: paresse (PAH-ress)
slowly: lentement (LON-teh-mon)
toes: orteils (OR-tay) (you don't say the last /s/)
Try these!
1. The sloth move moves slowly.
2. Hope the Sloth has haves three toes on each foot.
3. Most sloths live hi high in trees.
4. Have you ever seen saw a sloth?
5. I think sloths are is very interesting animals.
Today's Math Challenge!
There were 3 sloths in a tree. One of them ate 16 leaves. The other two sloths ate 20 leaves together. How many leaves did the 3 sloths eat in all?
Extra challenge! Think about the total you found in the first problem. Now find out if that number can be divided into 3 equal groups. You can draw a picture, use ten frames, or use counters.
Virtual Field Trip: Sloth Zoo Cams! Hattiesburg Zoo Sloths San Diego Zoo Sloths Virginia Zoo Baby Sloth
Did you learn some new facts about sloths? I did! I hope you have a great weekend! Do you have a lot of plans, or are you going to relax?
See you tomorrow! Don't forget-for the Saturday craft, you will need a washcloth and a rubber band.
Mrs. Cole
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Happy Thursday, scientists!
Today's Leader is...Mani the Pangolin! He is a super-interesting and endangered critter.
Today is April 9, 2020.
Mani and Darla learned some new words in French:
ant: fourmi (FOR-mee)
pangolin: pangolin (PAHN-go-LAHN)
scaly: Γ©cailleuse (AY-KAI-you-ze)
Try these!
1. are mammals. learned I pangolins that
2. called They anteaters. scaly also are
Today's Math Challenge!
One pangolin weighed 65 pounds. Another pangolin weighed 33 pounds. How much did they weigh together? Hint: add the ones first, then add the tens.
Extra challenge! How much more did the bigger pangolin weigh?
Virtual Field Trip: Pango-Cam! Pangolin Cam
Scientists went to Africa and attached a camera to a pangolin! Check it out! You can learn even more pangolin facts here: Pangolin Facts
Thanks for all you are doing at home! I hope you had fun learning about pangolins-they are so interesting! We'll have another cool Leader tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole :)
Today's Leader is...Mani the Pangolin! He is a super-interesting and endangered critter.
Today is April 9, 2020.
Mani and Darla learned some new words in French:
ant: fourmi (FOR-mee)
pangolin: pangolin (PAHN-go-LAHN)
scaly: Γ©cailleuse (AY-KAI-you-ze)
Try these!
1. are mammals. learned I pangolins that
2. called They anteaters. scaly also are
Today's Math Challenge!
One pangolin weighed 65 pounds. Another pangolin weighed 33 pounds. How much did they weigh together? Hint: add the ones first, then add the tens.
Extra challenge! How much more did the bigger pangolin weigh?
Virtual Field Trip: Pango-Cam! Pangolin Cam
Scientists went to Africa and attached a camera to a pangolin! Check it out! You can learn even more pangolin facts here: Pangolin Facts
Thanks for all you are doing at home! I hope you had fun learning about pangolins-they are so interesting! We'll have another cool Leader tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Happy Wednesday, friends!
Today's Leader is...Pete the Cat!!! He misses the Reading Incentive update we usually do on Wednesdays. You can hear one of his books here: Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch
Are you having a good week? I hope so! I loved the warmer weather we have had this week. I hope we will have more sunshine this weekend!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leader is...Pete the Cat!!! He misses the Reading Incentive update we usually do on Wednesdays. You can hear one of his books here: Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch
Today is April 8, 2020. Good catch yesterday, Etta! π
Pete and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:
shoes: zapatos (zah-PAH-toes)
blue: azul (ah-ZOOL)
lunch: almuerzo (al-moo-AIR-zoe)
Try these!
1. pete is a blue cat he has yellow eyes
2. what color are your shoes do your shoes have laces
Today's Math Challenge!
Pete the Cat read 18 books. Darla read 12 books. Mrs. Cole read 8 books. How many books did they read in all?
Extra challenge! How many books did YOU read last week? Add that to the total! Try using ten frames and see how many tens and how many ones there are in your sum.
Virtual Field Trip: Good Mews Cat Shelter, Marietta, Georgia Good Mews Tour
This was one of my favorite books when I was a little girl. I hope you like it, too!
The Shy Little KittenAre you having a good week? I hope so! I loved the warmer weather we have had this week. I hope we will have more sunshine this weekend!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Happy Tuesday, friends!
Today's Leader is....Bella the Bunny! Bella loves springtime colors! What are your favorites? Check out this story about a very special toy rabbit: The Velveteen Rabbit
Today is April 7, 2020.
On Tuesdays, our special is Art! Check out Mrs. V's Google Classroom for some ideas about art projects you can do at home: Mrs V's Art Ideas.
Try these!
Unscramble these sentences:
1. deer were There in backyard. my two
2. a cardinal in feeder. Enki saw my
Today's Math Challenge! ππ°
There were 3 mother rabbits. One had 4 babies, one had 5 babies, and one had 6 babies. How many rabbits were there in all?
Hint: Think carefully about this question!
Virtual Field Trip: Learn more about black-tailed jackrabbits here: Black-Tailed Jackrabbits
Here are 2 rabbits I saw in New Mexico. One is a jackrabbit. One is a cottontail. Can you tell the difference? Which one is which? :)
Today's Leader is....Bella the Bunny! Bella loves springtime colors! What are your favorites? Check out this story about a very special toy rabbit: The Velveteen Rabbit
Today is April 7, 2020.
On Tuesdays, our special is Art! Check out Mrs. V's Google Classroom for some ideas about art projects you can do at home: Mrs V's Art Ideas.
Try these!
Unscramble these sentences:
1. deer were There in backyard. my two
2. a cardinal in feeder. Enki saw my
Today's Math Challenge! ππ°
There were 3 mother rabbits. One had 4 babies, one had 5 babies, and one had 6 babies. How many rabbits were there in all?
Hint: Think carefully about this question!
Virtual Field Trip: Learn more about black-tailed jackrabbits here: Black-Tailed Jackrabbits
Here are 2 rabbits I saw in New Mexico. One is a jackrabbit. One is a cottontail. Can you tell the difference? Which one is which? :)
How is your week going? I saw some awesome photos and videos from some of you yesterday! It looks like you are doing some amazing learning! Keep up the good work! I'm so proud of you!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole π
Monday, April 6, 2020
Happy Monday, everyone!
Today's leader is...Pickles the Duckling! He is a mallard duckling. Read here for more information about ducks!
Today is April 6, 2020.
Pickles and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:
duck: pato (PAH-toe)
pickle: pepinillo (pep-ee-NEE-oe)
spring (season): primavera (PREE-mah-VAIR-ah)
STEM Connection! Ecology
What are some things you do at your house to help take care of the earth? Do you recycle? Here's another Gilbert book with some ideas you can try: Ants In Your Pants, Worms In Your Plants .
Try these!
Fix Mrs. Cole's Sentences:
1. we can recycle paper and plastic do you recycle glass too
2. turn off the faucet while you brush that can save a lot of water
Today's Math Challenge!
Mrs. Cole recycled 28 boxes, 12 cans, and 18 pieces of paper. How many items did she recycle in all?
You can draw a picture, use ten frames, or use counters! Try to use 2 different strategies!
Virtual Field Trip: All About Ducks! Learn even more fun facts about these feathered friends: Ducks
Do you remember seeing the ducklings in our B House courtyard last year? I wonder if they will come back. Here are some pictures I took while I was caring for them:
How was your weekend? Did you get outside? I am so happy that the sun is back out today! I hope it will be a little warmer this week!
Mrs. Cole :)
Today's leader is...Pickles the Duckling! He is a mallard duckling. Read here for more information about ducks!
Today is April 6, 2020.
Pickles and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:
duck: pato (PAH-toe)
pickle: pepinillo (pep-ee-NEE-oe)
spring (season): primavera (PREE-mah-VAIR-ah)
STEM Connection! Ecology
What are some things you do at your house to help take care of the earth? Do you recycle? Here's another Gilbert book with some ideas you can try: Ants In Your Pants, Worms In Your Plants .
Try these!
Fix Mrs. Cole's Sentences:
1. we can recycle paper and plastic do you recycle glass too
2. turn off the faucet while you brush that can save a lot of water
Today's Math Challenge!
Mrs. Cole recycled 28 boxes, 12 cans, and 18 pieces of paper. How many items did she recycle in all?
You can draw a picture, use ten frames, or use counters! Try to use 2 different strategies!
Virtual Field Trip: All About Ducks! Learn even more fun facts about these feathered friends: Ducks
Do you remember seeing the ducklings in our B House courtyard last year? I wonder if they will come back. Here are some pictures I took while I was caring for them:
How was your weekend? Did you get outside? I am so happy that the sun is back out today! I hope it will be a little warmer this week!
Mrs. Cole :)
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Happy Sunday, everyone!
Today's Leaders are... Java and Olie! They're friends of Ruby and Darla! ππ
Today is April 5, 2020.
I have another magic trick for you!
How can you take 4 away from 4 and end up with 8?
Here's how!
Show someone a piece of paper. Ask: "How many corners?"

Use a pair of scissors to cut off each corner. Ask: "How many corners did I cut off?"

Now, ask: "How many corners do we have now?"

That's how you take 4 away from 4 and get 8! π
Virtual Field Trip: Service Puppies Live Stream! Service Puppy Cam
These puppies will grow up to help people who need them!
What are you doing today? I am doing some chores around the house and cleaning my car. I'm also going for a walk with Mr. Cole later. Have a great day with your family!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
Today's Leaders are... Java and Olie! They're friends of Ruby and Darla! ππ
Today is April 5, 2020.
I have another magic trick for you!
How can you take 4 away from 4 and end up with 8?
Here's how!
Show someone a piece of paper. Ask: "How many corners?"

Use a pair of scissors to cut off each corner. Ask: "How many corners did I cut off?"

Now, ask: "How many corners do we have now?"

That's how you take 4 away from 4 and get 8! π
Virtual Field Trip: Service Puppies Live Stream! Service Puppy Cam
These puppies will grow up to help people who need them!
What are you doing today? I am doing some chores around the house and cleaning my car. I'm also going for a walk with Mr. Cole later. Have a great day with your family!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole
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