Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone! Welcome back!

Today's Leader is.... Shelly the Turtle!  Shelly hopes that you had a great vacation!  Here's one of my favorite books about a tortoise: The Foolish Tortoise  Do you know the difference between turtles and tortoises?

Today is April 27, 2020.

Shelly and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:

turtle: tortuga (tor-TOO-gah)
reptile: reptil  (REP-teel)

Try these!  Remember that a noun is a person, place, or thing.   🐢

Tell the nouns in each sentence.  There might be more than one!

1. The turtle has a beautiful green shell.

2. Have you ever seen a painted turtle?

3. How are turtles and tortoises different?

STEM connection!  Do you remember making our turtle rattles back in November? We had to make sure the design on the turtle shell was symmetrical. Find some other things in nature that are symmetrical.  Make a list of them or draw them. :)

Today's Math Challenge!

How many steps does it take you to get around your house?  Try this just walking normally and again while you are running!

Extra challenge!  Ask someone older or younger than you to do the same challenge!  What is the difference between your answers and theirs?

Today's Virtual Field TripClearwater Marine Aquarium, FloridaVirginia Zoo Aldabra Tortoises

Thanks for checking the blog!  What did you do over vacation? I raked my whole yard and did some indoor projects too.  I also worked on some learning activities for you! I hope you had a great week!

See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole