Today's Leader is...Ruby! She's named after one of the Iditarod checkpoints!
Today is April 4, 2020.
I thought you might like this easy craft/magic trick. We're going to make a hole in a piece of paper that is big enough to walk through!

Then, fold it in half (make a hamburger fold, so that the short edges meet). 🍔

Next, starting on the fold, carefully cut a straight line almost to the open edge opposite the fold-but not all the way.
Now, starting on the open edges, cut a straight line back toward the fold-but not all the way. Keep your cuts about a finger-width apart.
Keep doing this, cutting straight lines back and forth almost all the way across the folded paper.
When you get almost to the end, make sure your last cut starts on the fold and goes toward the open edge.

Open the paper flat. Cut along the folds. Don't cut the folds on either end, just the ones in the middle.

Finally, carefully open up the paper. Now there is a "hole" big enough to walk through! 😀 Hint: the closer together your cuts are, the bigger the finished loop will be. 🐈🐱

This project has been brought to you by Enki the Craft Assistant. :)
Have a fantastic day!
Mrs. Cole