Sunday, April 5, 2020

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Today's Leaders are... Java and Olie!  They're friends of Ruby and Darla!  🐕🐕

Today is April 5, 2020.

I have another magic trick for you!

How can you take 4 away from 4 and end up with 8?

Here's how!

Show someone a piece of paper.  Ask: "How many corners?"

Use a pair of scissors to cut off each corner.  Ask: "How many corners did I cut off?"

Now, ask: "How many corners do we have now?"

That's how you take 4 away from 4 and get 8! 😁

Virtual Field Trip: Service Puppies Live Stream!  Service Puppy Cam

These puppies will grow up to help people who need them!

What are you doing today?  I am doing some chores around the house and cleaning my car.  I'm also going for a walk with Mr. Cole later.  Have a great day with your family!
See you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Cole