Monday, April 6, 2020

Happy Monday, everyone!

Today's leader is...Pickles the Duckling!  He is a mallard duckling.  Read here for more information about ducks!

Today is April 6, 2020.

Pickles and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:

duck: pato (PAH-toe)
pickle: pepinillo (pep-ee-NEE-oe)
spring (season): primavera (PREE-mah-VAIR-ah)

STEM Connection! Ecology

What are some things you do at your house to help take care of the earth?  Do you recycle?  Here's another Gilbert book with some ideas you can try: Ants In Your Pants, Worms In Your Plants .

Try these!

Fix Mrs. Cole's Sentences:

1.  we can recycle paper and plastic do you recycle glass too

2.  turn off the faucet while you brush that can save a lot of water

Today's Math Challenge!

Mrs. Cole recycled 28 boxes, 12 cans, and 18 pieces of paper.  How many items did she recycle in all?

You can draw a picture, use ten frames, or use counters!  Try to use 2 different strategies!

Virtual Field Trip: All About Ducks! Learn even more fun facts about these feathered friends: Ducks

Do you remember seeing the ducklings in our B House courtyard last year? I wonder if they will come back.  Here are some pictures I took while I was caring for them:

How was your weekend?  Did you get outside?  I am so happy that the sun is back out today!  I hope it will be a little warmer this week!
Mrs. Cole :)