Today's Leader is...Bubbles the Dolphin! Bubbles is a bottlenose dolphin. What do you know about dolphins already? Here is a fiction story about a dolphin: Timmy the Timid Dolphin .
Today is April 29, 2020.
Bubbles and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:
dolphin: delfin (del-FEEN)
swim: nadar (NAH-dar)
sea: mar (mar)
Try these!
1. sea favorite Dolphins my animal. are
2. have you ever seen a dolphin they are so cute and smart
3. The dolphin swimmed swam next to our boat.
Today's Math Challenge!
We went on a boat 5 days in a row. The chart shows how many dolphins we saw each day.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
We saw the MOST dolphins on Day ______.
We saw the FEWEST dolphins on Day _____.
How many dolphins did we see in all? _____
There were ______ MORE dolphins on Day 4 than on Day 2.
There were ______ FEWER dolphins on Day 1 than on Day 3.
Today's special is...Music! Try the challenge on the suggested schedule, or try one of these: practice your concert songs, make an instrument from items around your house, or make up new words to one of your favorite songs!
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Dolphins Plus, Key Largo, FL and the Nat. Geo Kids site: Nat Geo Kids: Bottlenose Dolphins
I got to see some dolphins at SeaWorld this winter, and some wild ones in Galveston, TX last summer:
How is your week going? I love seeing such creative ideas! You are amazing!
Have a great Wednesday!
Mrs. Cole