Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hi! Happy Wednesday!

Today's Leader is...Bubbles the Dolphin! Bubbles is a bottlenose dolphin. What do you know about dolphins already? Here is a fiction story about a dolphin: Timmy the Timid Dolphin .

Today is April 29, 2020.

Bubbles and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:

dolphin: delfin (del-FEEN)
swim: nadar (NAH-dar)
sea: mar (mar)

Try these!

1.  sea   favorite   Dolphins   my   animal.   are

2.  have you ever seen a dolphin they are so cute and smart

3. The dolphin   swimmed    swam    next to our boat.

Today's Math Challenge!

We went on a boat 5 days in a row.  The chart shows how many dolphins we saw each day.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

We saw the MOST dolphins on Day ______.
We saw the FEWEST dolphins on Day _____.
How many dolphins did we see in all? _____
There were ______ MORE dolphins on Day 4 than on Day 2.
There were ______ FEWER dolphins on Day 1 than on Day 3.

Today's special is...Music! Try the challenge on the suggested schedule, or try one of these: practice your concert songs, make an instrument from items around your house, or make up new words to one of your favorite songs!

Today's Virtual Field TripDolphins Plus, Key Largo, FL  and the Nat. Geo Kids site: Nat Geo Kids: Bottlenose Dolphins

I got to see some dolphins at SeaWorld this winter, and some wild ones in Galveston, TX last summer:

How is your week going? I love seeing such creative ideas! You are amazing!
Have a great Wednesday!
Mrs. Cole