Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hello! Happy Thursday!

Today's Leader is....Finn the Orca!  I know that some of you already know a lot about orcas!  Here's a great book about them: A Tale of Wild Orcas

Today is April 30, 2020.

Finn and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:

orca: orca (OR-cah)
teeth: dientes (DEE-EN-tays)

Try these!

1. orcas are black and white they live in the sea

2. live   many    Orcas    in   world.   of   parts   the

3. Two orcas swam  by    biy    our boat.

Today's Math Challenge!

There are 3 orcas in the bay.

Orca A is 20 feet long.
Orca B is 6 feet shorter than Orca A.
Orca C is 9 feet longer than Orca B.

How long are Orca B and Orca C?  You can use addition and subtraction, draw a picture, or use a yardstick or number line. Which strategy works best for you?

Today's special is P.E.!  What are some of your favorite things to do outside? Try making an obstacle course or a challenge course (do six jumping jacks, hop on one foot 10 times, run around your house twice, etc.), or try the activities on the suggested schedule. Or, just have some fun outdoors!

Today's Virtual Field TripOrcaLab, Hanson Island, British Columbia  Nat. Geo. Kids: Orca

Orcas are amazing animals! I have never seen one-have you?

Have an awesome day!
Mrs. Cole