Today's Leader is...Simon the Seal! Simon is a harbor seal. Check out this fun story about a seal: Peter and the Seal.
Today is May 1, 2020.
Happy May Day!
Simon and Darla have been learning some words in Spanish:
seal: foca (FOE-cah)
gray: gris (gree-s)
Try these! How many nouns can you find in these sentences? I underlined two tricky ones.
1. the seal was swimming in the harbor did you see his spots
2. types many There different are seals. of
3. The mother seal took taked good care of her baby.
Today's Math Challenge!
What UNIT would you use to measure these things? Use the Word Bank to help.
Word Bank: inches feet miles cups pounds
1. The length of your hair: ____________________
2. The weight of a rock: ______________________
3. The distance to Portland:____________________
4. The height of your house:___________________
5. The volume of flour for a recipe:______________
Today's Special is...Library! Check out the library link from the district site: RSU 14 Library Resources
Today's Virtual Field Trip: Seattle Aquarium Seal Cams and Nat. Geo. Kids: Harp Seals and Seal Facts; Seal Keepers video
When Mr. Cole and I were in California, we got to meet some elephant seals and a harbor seal up close:
I hope you had a great week! Do you have plans for this weekend? We are going to work on our yard some more and have our first fire pit with some s'mores. I hope you have a fun first weekend of May!
Mrs. Cole