Monday, May 18, 2020

Happy Monday!

Today's Leader is...Jasper the Squirrel!  Jasper is a gray squirrel.  This is a cute book about a red squirrel: The Secret Life of Squirrels

Today is May 18, 2020.

Jasper and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:

squirrel: ardilla (are-DEE-yah)
acorn: bellota (bay-YO-tah)

Try these!

When we write the date, we use a comma in between the day and the year.  Write these dates with a comma in the right place.  If you're not sure, look above and see how I wrote today's date. Be sure to use an upper case for the first letter of the month.

January 12 2021
November 6 1989
September 30 2018
October 9 1977

Today's Math Challenge: Hundreds

You know about the ones and the tens places.  When we use numbers greater than 99, we have to use the hundreds place.  The number 100 has a 1 in the hundreds place, then 0 tens, then 0 ones.

Tell which digit is in the hundreds place in these numbers:


Extra Challenge! Tell how many tens and how many ones are in each number.

STEM Connection: Read the squirrel facts. Make a list of foods that squirrels eat. Then, circle the foods you also like to eat!

Virtual Field TripSquirrel Eating a Horse ChestnutSquirrel Cam

What a great weekend! I hope you got to be outdoors a lot!  We worked in our yard, and I had some meetings. I hope the weather stays nice and warm, don't you?
Mrs. Cole