Today's Leader is...Marsi the Sugar Glider! Here's a great nonfiction book about sugar gliders: Sugar Gliders
Today is May 26, 2020.
Marsi and Darla have been learning some new words in French:
fly: voler (VO-lay)
sugar glider: phalanger volant (FA-lon-jay VO-lont)
Try these! Look at the quotation marks in the first sentence. Where would you put them in the second sentence? Watch for commas and other punctuation, and upper/lower case, too.
"Let's go to the beach," he said. ------> let's go to the store she said
I asked, "When will eat lunch?" ---> she asked will we bake a cake
Today's Math Challenge! How much money? Remember to count pennies by 1s, nickels by 5s, dimes by 10s, and quarters by 25.

Extra challenge! Can you add the nickels and the pennies together? Or the dimes and nickels?
Today's special is...Art! Here's Mrs. V's Art Link for the week!
Virtual Field Trip: Baby Pygmy Sugar Gliders at Australia Zoo- Nat Geo
And, check out these Sugar Glider Facts
I hope you had an awesome long weekend! It looks like the weather will get a lot warmer this week!
Mrs. Cole