Happy Friday, folks!
Today's Leader is...Nimble the Goat! Nimble loves this Navajo story about a goat: The Goat in the Rug
Today is May 15, 2020.
Nimble and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:
goat: cabra (CAH-brah)
eyes: ojos (OH-hoes)
Try these! Find the adjective in each sentence. Then, tell an OPPOSITE word for each adjective!
1. The goats are big.
2. I love the little goats.
3. That movie is sad.
4. I like serious jokes.
5. The car was slow.
Today's Math Challenge!
Nimble and his goat friends like to eat hay. Their hay comes in big cubes. The pile of hay cubes looks like this:
How many hay cubes are there in all? Remember-there are some you can't see!
Today's special is...Library! Check out the Library Resources from the RSU site! Library Resources
Virtual Field Trip: Baby Goat cam footage; Goats!
I love goats! They are so funny and playful! Have you ever met goats at a petting zoo or farm?
Do you have plans for the weekend? I have a long meeting tonight and another one tomorrow, but I am hoping to get outside and keep working on my yard. I started a new book, too. Thank you to everyone who met with me to read this week! I loved hearing your awesome reading!
Mrs. Cole