Thursday, May 14, 2020

Happy Thursday, everyone!

Today's Leader is...Horace the Horse!  Do you remember seeing Horace in the classroom?  Here is a wonderful book, The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses

Today is May 14, 2020.

Horace and Darla have been learning some new words in French:

horse: cheval (sheh-VAHL)
pony: poney (POE-nay)

Try these!  Can you find all of the adjectives?

Mrs. Cole has a little gray horse.  His name is Reed.  Reed has brown speckles in the warm summer.  He grows long, soft hair in the cold winter.  Reed is sweet and shy.  He loves crunchy carrots and juicy apples.  His best friend is a silly, friendly pony named Takoda.

Today's Math Challenge!🐴🐴🐴

Reed's pasture is a big rectangle that is divided into 6 smaller paddocks.  Some are squares and some are rectangles.  Draw a picture that shows one way this could look.  Don't forget to draw Reed!

Extra challenge!  What if Reed's pasture was divided into 6 triangles?  What could that look like?

Today's special is...P.E.!  Try the activities in the suggested schedule, or just enjoy some outside play!

Virtual Field TripAssateague Island National Park Wild Horses; Horses!; Horses and Ponies

My daughter and I camped on Assateague and got to see some of the wild horses.  Here are some pictures of them:

Mr. Cole and I got to ride Icelandic horses in Iceland:

And, here is Reed!

Have an awesome Thursday!  I have to figure out which critter keeps knocking down my suet you have any guesses?
Mrs. Cole