Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Today's Leader is...Sylvia the Spider!  Here's a fun fiction story by Doreen Cronin: Diary of a Spider

Today is May 13, 2020.

Here are some fun facts about spiders:

Here's a fun spider project for you!

1. On a sheet of paper, trace just your four fingers. Turn the paper and trace your fingers again so that the lines from the first tracing meet the lines from the second tracing.

2. Use a cup or other round object to trace a circle for the spider's head.

3. Color and cut out the tracings.

4. Color the paper plate with any design you like.  I left mine white.

5. Use a pencil or a whole punch to make some holes around the edge of the paper plate.

6. Tape one end of the string to the back of the plate.  

7. Pass the string in and out of the holes.  This will make a web on the front.  You can use a hole more than once.

Hint: When you push the end of the string from the front to the back of the plate, and you are ready to push it back out to the front, try to put it in the next hole over from the one you just used so you don't waste string.  You want the longer strands on the front.

8. Tape down the end on the back of the plate when you have made as many web strands as you can.

9. Glue or tape your spider's head onto the legs, then stick the spider on the web.  I like to put it under some of the web strands.

Here's a link to some more fun spider crafts: Spider Crafts for Kids

When my daughters and I were at the Smithsonian in November, we got to watch a tarantula feeding:

How is your Wednesday going? I am reading with some of you this afternoon, so I'm really excited about that!  Have a wonderful day!
Mrs. Cole