Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Happy Tuesday, all!

Today's Leader is...Jerome the Pig!  Do you remember a fun story we read about pigs earlier this year?  Piggie Pie!

Today is May 12, 2020.

Jerome and Darla have been learning some new words in Spanish:


Try these!  Add an adjective in each space. 🐖

Jerome is a ____________ pig.  He lives on a ____________ farm.  He loves to eat _____________ 

food.  Jerome has a _______________ brother and a ____________ sister.  All of the pigs on the 

farm are ________________!

Today's Math Challenge! 

Jerome lives in a barn. All of the windows in the barn have 4 sides, but they are not all rectangles.  Can you name and draw any other 4-sided shapes?  You can use a ruler or other straight edge to help you, or trace something that has the shape you need.

Extra challenge: Draw Jerome's barn.  Use as many 4-sided shapes as you can for the windows. Make sure you draw Jerome, too!  🐷

Today's Special is...Art!  Here is Mrs. V's link for this week: Art for May 12

Virtual Field TripPig Sanctuary Cam Footage; Pig Facts

I hope you are having a great week so far!  The sunflowers I planted a couple of weeks ago are almost ready to move outside.  Do you have any plants growing at your house?  🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

For tomorrow's craft, you will need a sheet of paper, a paper plate, a long piece of string, scissors, some glue or tape, and something you can use to trace and color.

Have a great day!
Mrs. Cole