Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Today's Leader is...Zeke the Octopus!  Zeke has a special project for you today!  Here's a nonfiction book about an octopus for you to enjoy: Octopuses  and a fiction story: Inky the Octopus.

Today is May 6, 2020.

Here's a fun octopus craft for you to try!  You'll need 2 sheets of paper, a pair of scissors, and tape or a glue stick.  You can also use crayons or markers for the octopus's face.

1. Find your materials.

2. Cut one of the pieces of paper into a rectangle that is about the size of your hand, with your fingers open.

3. Cut 7 slits in the paper to make the 8 legs. Don't cut all the way to the top.

4. Use a pencil or pen to curl the slits.

5. When you are curling them, make every other slit the same length so your octopus can stand up. I did a short, then a long, then a short, then a long. The shorter ones don't have to match.

6. Use tape or glue to attach the two ends of your rectangle together.

7. Cut a circle from the other piece of paper.  Draw a face on it and attach it to your octopus's legs. Ta-da!

Virtual Field Trip: Baby Giant Pacific Octopus feeding

Have an awesome day!!
Mrs. Cole