Happy Monday, friends!
Today's Leader is...Holly the Cow! Holly is a Holstein cow. Here's a funny story about cows: Click, Clack, MOO: Cows That Type
Today is May 11, 2020.
Holly and Darla have been learning some new words in French:
cow: vache (vash)
milk: lait (lay)
Try this! Can you fix this paragraph? Make sure each sentence starts with an upper case letter and ends with correct punctuation. There should be 5 sentences when you are done.
the farmer was mad his cows would not come back to the barn the farmer wanted to give up it started to rain the cows ran to the barn
Today's Math Challenge!
Today's math challenge is combined with today's STEM connection! Imagine you have a farm with lots of farm animals. Design a farm that uses as many different shapes as possible. Remember that the animals need both outdoor and indoor spaces, as well as containers for food and water.
Virtual Field Trips: Farm Sanctuary Cam Footage; Cows!
I hope you had a great weekend! Here's a Mother's Day book about Gilbert; I meant to post it yesterday and I forgot :/ :Mother, You're the Best But Sister, You're a Pest .
Have an awesome Monday!
Mrs. Cole