Today's Leader is...Annie the Clownfish! Here are some fun facts about clownfish: Nat. Geo. Kids: Clownfish
Today is May 4, 2020.
Annie and Darla have been learning some new words in French:
fish: poisson (PWAH-sawn)
stripes: rayures (RAY-yer)
Try these! Can you find the verbs?
1. clownfish live in anemones the fish eats the anemone's leftovers
2. the at I clownfish saw a aquarium.
3. The clownfish hid hided in the anemone.
Read the words. Try to spell them without looking.
swim fish protect stripe live orange
Today's Math Challenge! 🐠🐠🐠🐠
There were 12 anemones. There were 2 clownfish in each anemone. How many clownfish were there in all?
Extra challenge: Think about the total you found in the first question. How many equal-sized groups can you make with that number?
Today's STEAM Connection: How to Draw a Clownfish
Virtual Field Trip: National Aquarium (scroll down to the Pacific Coral Reef cam to catch a glimpse of some clownfish)
How was your weekend? I worked outdoors in the yard with Mr. Cole a LOT. I also had a couple of meetings and read a book. I hope you had a chance to enjoy the sunshine! Enki had fun watching the birds and the chipmunk who lives under our front steps. We open the front door and he watches them through the screen.
Have a super day! I can't wait to see what you accomplish today!
Mrs. Cole