Friday, April 3, 2020

Happy Friday!

Today's Leaders are...Frog and Toad!  They're very glad to see you!  The Frog and Toad books were some of my favorites when I was in first grade.

Today is April 3, 2020.

Frog, Toad, and Darla learned some new words in Spanish:

frog: rana (RAH-na)
toad: sapo (SAP-oh)
book: libre (LEE-bray)

Try these:

Find the word that is not correct. Tell another word that will make the sentence complete.

1.  Frog and Toad is good friends.

2.  One day, Toad losed a button.

3.  When Frog getted sick, Toad helped him feel better.

4.  Toad sended Frog a letter.

5.  Frog and Toad eated cookies together.

STEM Connection!

Open the link and scroll to the Water Cycle Bag experiment. You'll need a plastic baggie, a permanent marker, some water, and some tape.  Water Cycle Bag experiment

Today's Math Challenge!

Mrs. Cole saw 3 chickadees and 5 doves near her bird feeder.  Enki scared some of them away. There were 4 left near the feeder.  How many did Enki scare away?

Extra challenge!  2 of the birds came back.  How many birds were near the feeder?

Virtual Field Trip: Glass FrogsGlass Frogs video
and Toad FactsToad Facts

I saw this little frog in Costa Rica-it's the same one I have painted on my coffee cup at school.  The people who live there call them "blue jeans" frogs-I bet you can guess why!  They are so little, they could sit on your thumb.  They are active at night and make a sound like this: "gigigigigigig".

I hope you have had a great week! Be sure to check out the craft for tomorrow! All you'll need is a sheet of paper and a pair of scissors!
Mrs. Cole