Thursday, April 16, 2020

Happy Thursday, all!

Today's Leader is...Rosie the Skunk! Rosie is a good friend of Darla's. Here's a fun story about skunks-it's illustrated by Lynn Munsinger! Skunks!

Today is April 16, 2020.

Rosie and Darla have learned some new words in French:

skunk: mouffette (MOO-fett)
stripes: rayures (RAY-yer -you don't say the /s/)
smell: odeur (OH-dure)

Try these!

1. the skunk is black and white she has stripes on her back

2. Skunks are     very     vary     clean animals.

3. my     porch!    skunk     was    There    a    under

Today's Math Challenge!  🦨🦨

Rosie's body is 15 inches long.  Her tail is 12 inches long.  How long is Rosie from her nose to the end of her tail?

Extra challenge!  If Rosie's body grows 2 more inches and her tail grows 1 more inch, how long will she be from her nose to the end of her tail?

Today's Special: P.E.! You can try the suggested menu idea, or try doing some push-ups, race a family member across the yard, see how long you can stand on one foot, or do GoNoodle!

Virtual Field Trip: Wild Explorers Skunk Facts and NatGeo Kids Skunk Page

Skunks are soooo interesting!  I hope you have enjoyed learning about them today!

Do you have lots of plans for vacation? I am going to build a fire pit in the yard.  I also have to put new tile in my bathroom and put up some bat houses.  I hope you have a great break, and I'll see you back here on April 27!  I have some fun animals waiting to be the Leader...
I will be checking email over vacation, so you can write to me if you want. I'd love to hear from you!
Mrs. Cole :)